Yes, there were “close-ups.” In a marriage like theirs,there were many, and each was easy to find(her lovely face, her smiles, her pensive stares)
He never even noticed anymorethe “finish” of the wine, the tang of the salt,the sweetness of the sugared petit four,
It’s a farm town in the August heatWith a couple of bars along Main Street.A jukebox moans from an open door
First, decide where water stopsAnd ice begins. Then, where ice
If hunting a lion, the weight of one’s gaze will scare it off. So one must always close his eyes before hunting a lion.
The boss would like to see us not in person but would like to see usdo something better the boss would like to see us see ourselves differently
Against black matchsticks,rotted fangs,plus and minus, sum lines, mathematics,
She went to Zurich to rescue a man.She’d made all the necessary maps. Paul Klee would’ve painted this woman
We are high performers not normal not just performers but high ones we perform things make papers smell like perfume we don’t order things other
Ink slurs into byssal threads,split blue caskets of musselsscapular in ritual archipelago, butter, cream,