Time to pick berries. This strain (pink when ripeinstead of black) surprises me each August,although I should be used to it by now.
Above me in the nightMy unknown neighbors walk Across a creaking floor
John, you asked me what it was like to be black,to come from a place where being black mattered.
In the halls of Pigalle, juxtaposition is not intimacy. Moulin Rouge Moulin Rouge MoulinRed—Louise the Glutton spread high in her kick,
I once believed in heavenly clarity—do you know how good it feels to singof certainty, the wild apricot
At first among certain shadows you felt forbidden to ask whose they were.
MetrophobiaI, too dislike it, or at least I findtoo much of it bromidic and unrhymed,
I say to the lily asphodel,onionweed—
The ghost of the nineteenth centurystill stalks the eaves of the hurricane house, its clapboard sheaves
When I hear that boy sing, I said, every otherBoy becomes a disappointment. Tiny wince