Who has not thought of Johann Sebastian Bach—and please pronounce That good man’s good name in German, whether you can or not—seated At the keyboard of who cares what delubrum in the splendor of his isolation Within the church of sound? The...
We knew the rat in the crawlspace was chewing on something essential. But who’d go down to set the traps? The house was ours—wasn’t it my duty to protect it?
The beautiful athletes on the white beach work out in unison for the camera this morning, their muscle clothes the colors of berries, of bright flags and fields growing,
The feast-huddle explodes when I approach, a gray fox remains, whitening to bone. The risen wait in the limbs above for me to glance the marker, pass on.
When the heart valve buckles or the brain vessel ruptures and I, at last accomplished, stumble sloshed in blood over the edge of the earth into the faulty recall of a few people, don’t weep for me.