Watching a couple of crowsplaying around in the woods, swoopingin low after each other, I wonderif they ever slam into the trees.
Luis Morone cuts adrift
sinks flies flickers out
He manages like somebody carrying a boxthat is too heavy, first with his armsunderneath. When their strength gives out,
This morning I sit across from youat the same small table,the sun italicizing
A raindrop fell on my hand,crafted from the Ganges and the Nile,
from the ascended frost of a seal’s whiskers,from water in broken pots in the cities of Ys and Tyre.
No, I just can’t write today, I saidto myself, sprawling on the couch, my mindan open invitation to sleep, when there it was:The Invisible Hand. A title. Having arrivedunbidden, it felt like inspiration,