Winter 2019

Our Winter issue features an extraordinary photography project by Monika Bulaj, whose work explores how communities hold together, whether as a faith diaspora or minorities in their own country. Traces of this theme—of dissonance and distance—are found elsewhere in the issue: on Kafka’s disorienting artistic frustration while touring Europe; in a memoir framed within the Puerto Rican traditions of New York’s Washington Heights; in fiction that imagines the inner life of a classic poem’s narrator; and in poetry that depicts a southern city’s past and imagines its future.

Winter 2019

Volume 95, Number 4

Virginia Quarterly Review, Winter 2019 cover
Print: $14.00
Digital download: $14.00

Table of contents

Drawing It Out 
Fine Distinctions 

Contributor Profiles

Monika Bulaj is a Polish photojournalist, reporter, and documentary filmmaker based in Italy.

Anaïs Duplan is a trans* writer, curator, and artist.

Carina del Valle Schorske is a writer and translator living in New York City and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Kate Zambreno is the author, most recently, of Drifts (Riverhead, 2020) and To Write as if Already Dead (Columbia UP, 2021).

Spring 2024 Cover; Photo by Mathias Depardon
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Fiction Issue Cover. Photo by Adam Ekberg.
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