Martial Biography Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis) was a first-century Roman poet (ca. 40-104 CE). Born in Iberia (modern-day Spain), he lived and wrote in the city of Rome. His twelve books of Epigrams were published between 86 and 103 CE. See Work POETRY / Fall 2016 IX.15 By Martial , Translated by Tyler Goldman Odious Chloe wrote this on her seven husbands’ graves: POETRY / Fall 2016 III.52 By Martial , Translated by Tyler Goldman You bought yourself a low-cost house for only forty thou’.Then lost it in a city fire; they burn so often now. POETRY / Fall 2016 XII.10 By Martial , Translated by Tyler Goldman Africanus has a million bucks, and still he wants and wants and wants. POETRY / Fall 2016 X.9 By Martial , Translated by Tyler Goldman Yes, I’m that Martial known all across the world for my elegiac couplets, hendecasyllables,