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Jeffrey Levine

Jeffrey Levine is the author of Mortal Everlasting (Pavement Saw Press, 2002) and the editor-in-chief and publisher of Tupelo Press. His recent work can be found in Ploughshares, Beloit Poetry Journal, Poetry International, and Quarterly West.


Cleaning Out the Gutters

Fall 2005 | Poetry

Even starlight needs work. I hire out, a little light, a little warmth, a few odd jobs. But who wants to hoist the wooden ladder against the clapboard siding to clean the copper gutters? They apron her house at the eaves above like an inner ring of [...]

Shall We Be A Little Wild Together,

or would you like a Valium? Circe asked as we lay in her den of armchairs, the temptress fluttering behind glasses. Our foreheads felt the same, possibly we were both ill. I undressed her, got her into pajamas, read to her from an orange tome, the f [...]

Antonia, Pearl Fisher

Antonia, my sweet golden, is a great pearl fisher. You should see her dive, muzzle oddments from the ocean floor, send them free floating up to me like untroubled fates. First we build ourselves a shrine to the goddess of oysters, like a little dior [...]

My Antonia

At heart, we're all pets, every one of us the soft fossil print of utter devotion, a dog, say, or the dog in a story about a dog, or the story of a dog locked in inside a memory of a dog— paws pressed to the chest—first there's the trick of unco [...]


A wayward yellow-nosed albatross that apparently strayed from its marine habitat in the Southern Hemisphere has turned up in the New York metropolitan area, and has even been spotted flying along the median strip of the Garden State Parkway.—The [...]