Anne Leigh Parrish


My work has appeared in The Virginia Quarterly Review; 2002 New Century Voices; on-line in the Pacific Northwest Association’s Short Story Library; the Fifteenth Annual Clark College Poetry And Fiction Contest Chapbook where my story, “Fance,” won First Place in March, 2003. I received the 2003 Willamette Award in Fiction from the Clackamas Literary Review and my story, “Getting Out,” is forthcoming in their Fall/Winter 2004 issue. My work has also been recognized by several other contests and awards, including Glimmer Train’s Summer 2003 Fiction Open; the 2003 H.E Francis Award; 2003 New Century Writer Awards; and the 2001 Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition. I live in Seattle, Washington with my husband and two children. I’m an active member of the Richard Hugo House in Seattle.