Tenderest pendulum, Your slender stem is Tremulous as it enters The minute’s fundamental;
As the scroll unrolls, scalesRipple by the glass like fishesFlashing gaseous tails,
Butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth,That wide wet kisser weSmacked on to justify a pipe.
The corridor, a New Jersey of the West, its stucco newness.What king was it that built this highway?
It’s a routine we’ve worked outto pass the winter.I saw myself in two, in three,into a puzzle,
How I hate you tonight!I tick offthe bumps on your back,your hangnails, the acid
I watch the point of the twirling stickWhere you are sleeping, where you will come again.
In every sale a list of ways your home could be destroyed: flood, poison, earthquake, fire.
This early, the small birds’ trudging notes;Six storeys high, a crane loomsAs in graceful blessing…
Meet me at the Lighthouse in Hermosa Beach,That shabby, squat nightclub on its foggy pier.Let’s aim for the summer of ’71,When all of our friends were young and immortal.