I didn’t say I loved you but I did and also him, the one who stole away, with all my sacraments wrapped in his curling laugh, thief of my night. We find ourselves together, cobbling a mystery of fleshes
The gentle tremor that has begun now in my left hand, between thumb and forefinger, is not history. Its seed lies buried deep in sleep, in the neurochemistry of sleep which traces its faint salt patterns on the stone of my soul. Stone of my...
You know I’m actually not who I appeared to be kidding. I’m actually not sure this was my idea of a good time, not sure what’s exactly what in the glass elevator whose bellied window swerves your face away from your face. I’m actually not sure...
The man used to walk four miles a day, two hours at first, less as he got stronger and thinner, to defy the sense of rules that dictates higher challenges as the ability climbs. Rebel mind in a rebel body. Not even Plato’s
curbside on an Arp-like table. He’s alone of course, in the arts district as it were, legs folded, swaying a foot so that his body seems to summon some deep immensity from all that surrounds:
What realms of gold did they travel, these old field glasses? Her last pair, focused beyond the tame sea-stacks of glass and bottle, they’d have caught–– from her Boston Harbor condo–– birds in maneuvers, breaches of whales.