Spring 2006

• “Why Darwin is Still Right (and Intelligent Design is Wrong)”: A special portfolio on Darwin, evolution, and intelligent design with essays by Niles Eldredge, Michael Ruse, Thomas Eisner, and Robert M. Sapolsky, and an excerpt from David Quammen’s forthcoming book The Reluctant Mr. Darwin. • A symposium on Adrienne Rich, including new work by her, and appreciations by Marilyn Hacker, Mark Nowak, Hugh Seidman, Roberto Tejada, Jean Valentine, and Craig Werner. • An excerpt from Marjane Satrapi’s forthcoming graphic novel Chicken with Plums. • New fiction by Francine Prose, Kevin A. González, and Stephen Schottenfeld.
Spring 2006

Volume 82, Number 2

Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring 2006 cover
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Digital download: $14.00

Table of contents

Editor's Desk 
Spring 2024 Cover; Photo by Mathias Depardon
Spring 2024
Volume 100, Number 1
Fiction Issue Cover. Photo by Adam Ekberg.
Fiction 2024
Volume 100, Number 2
Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring/Summer 2023 cover
Spring/Summer 2023
Volume 99, Number 1
Virginia Quarterly Review, Autumn 2023 cover
Fall 2023
Volume 99, Number 3