Spring 2001

China Boy by Russell Fraser Farewell to the Farewell Address? by Michael Dunne Mr. Faulkner: Writer-in-Residence by Joseph Blotner Fiction by Marlin Barton, Joann Kobin, Bill Oliver Poetry by Wislawa Szymborska (translated by Joanna Trzeciak), Julianna Baggott, Richard Katrovas, Cynthia Huntington, Linda Pastan
Spring 2001

Volume 77, Number 2

Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring 2001 cover
Print: $10.00

Table of contents


Contributor Profiles

Bill Oliver is the author of a collection of stories, WOMEN & CHILDREN FIRST (Mid-List, 1998), and a book of interviews (along with Bonnie Lyons), PASSION AND CRAFT: CONVERSATIONS WITH NOTABLE WRITERS (Univ.

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