Spring 1993

Sarah Hardison O’Connor’s “Exiled: A Memoir of O. B. Hardison, Jr.” Henry Taylor’s “A Few Lessons From Horses” David T. Gies’s “Spain 1992: Notes From A Survivor” Louis D. Rubin’s “The Left-Handed Glove (A Memory)” Stories by Sarah Hardison O’Connor, Henry Taylor, David T. Gies, and Louis D. Rubin Poetry by John McKernan, Marianne Boruch, Dabney Stuart, and William Stafford
Spring 1993

Volume 69, Number 2

Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring 1993 cover
Print: $10.00

Table of contents


Contributor Profiles

Henry Taylor is the author of five volumes of poetry, including the Pulitzer Prize–winning The Flying Change, and a collection of essays on contemporary poetry entitled Compulsory Figures.

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