Spring 1939

Henry T. Volkening’s “Tom Wolfe: Penance No More” Jacques Maritain’s “The Pagan Empire and the Power of God” Carl Dreher’s “Spengler and the Third Reich” Lewis Browne’s “What Can the Jews Do?” Stories by Henry T. Volkening, Jacques Maritain, Carl Dreher, and Lewis Browne Poetry by Juan Ramón Jiménez, Ines Camprubi, and Ruth Pitter
Spring 1939

Volume 15, Number 2

Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring 1939 cover

Table of contents


Contributor Profiles

Spring 2024 Cover; Photo by Mathias Depardon
Spring 2024
Volume 100, Number 1
Fiction Issue Cover. Photo by Adam Ekberg.
Fiction 2024
Volume 100, Number 2
Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring/Summer 2023 cover
Spring/Summer 2023
Volume 99, Number 1
Virginia Quarterly Review, Autumn 2023 cover
Fall 2023
Volume 99, Number 3