Frost Coverage on Weekend Edition
Things have been abuzz here at VQR for the past couple of days since word got out that we’re publishing “War Thoughts at Home,” a previously unknown Robert Frost poem. We’ve published a dozen previously unknown Frost poems over the years, but that was while he was still alive, shortly after he wrote them, which made them admittedly somewhat less exciting than this latest find. Hillel Italie’s AP story is the source of the buzz, since major papers across the nation picked up the story.
The coverage will culminate on NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday, when not one but two stories are slated to run. The first is an interview with the finder of the poem, Robert Stilling, and VQR Editor Ted Genoways. The second is a broader piece about VQR, which will attempt to explain how a staff of four produces a well-respected magazine. We particularly look forward to hearing the latter so we can figure out how to do it. We’re all fairly sure we didn’t say anything particularly foolish during our interviews, but that won’t keep us from feeling nervous between now and then.