Pleased to Meet You; Hope You Guessed My Name

Mick Jagger Mugshot

So apparently Hillary Clinton is a big fan of the Rolling Stones. I’ll admit that I’ve been spinning Beggar’s Banquet and Let It Bleed more than a little bit these days. Something about the apocalyptic energy of those tracks—recorded in the months leading up the 1968 Democratic convention and the debacle there that led to Nixon’s election—seems to speak to my soul. But Clinton explains to CNN that what she admires about the Rolling Stones most is Mick Jagger’s “work ethic.”

Hmmm. “Work ethic”? While I’ll grant you that over the years Jagger has been, shall we say, tireless?—you’d also have to admit that the Glimmer Twins have been more juiced that Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds. After listening to Clinton go on about how Obama couldn’t choose his family, but he could certainly choose his pastor, I couldn’t help wondering whether—at least for baby boomers and younger—who you name as your favorite isn’t the actual Rorschach test for your soul.

So, with that in mind, I’m officially kicking off my call to everyone to leave your favorite lewd, lascivious, or just plain drug-addled Stones lyric in the comments section. This could take a while, I realize. (And remember folks, we’re a fair use operation, so please limit your quotes to one stanza or less.) Here’s my choice to kick things off from “Let It Bleed”:

She said, “My breasts, they will always be open
Baby, you can rest your weary head right on me
And there will always be a space in my parking lot
When you need a little coke and sympathy”

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Published: March 31, 2008